The opportunities for business to help create a vital Fourth Sector include:
Doing business with Fourth Sector organizations.
Investing in Fourth Sector enterprises.
Providing reduced-fee or in-kind services to Fourth Sector organizations.
Procuring goods and services from Fourth Sector providers.
Advocating for better policy vis-å-vis Fourth Sector activity.
Finally, social-purpose ventures and socially and environmentally conscious businesses might consider adopting For-Benefit attributes as a way to advance along the sustainability continuum.
A thriving Fourth Sector can deliver benefits:
Provide technical assistance, access to capital, and preferred status in some markets.
Deliver employees who are conversant with triple bottom-line management and operations.
Remove regulatory barriers.
Provide tax incentives and other favorable treatment from government agencies.
Provide validation in the sense of legitimizing them in the eyes of a public that has come to be skeptical about the mission and motive of conventional for-profits.
Deliver visibility as part of the larger Fourth Sector movement.
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